Atypical Pictures
The Power of Storytelling: How Sharing Personal Experiences Can Empower People and Communities
The Power of Storytelling: How Sharing Personal Experiences Can Empower People and Communities

Storytelling has been a part of the fabric of human life for decades, and as you know, it is unique to each individual and his or her beliefs, perspectives, culture and individual experiences. That life story is impressed upon by many things, but the power of expression in one voice ( or many ) through movement, dance, motion, intent, words, prose, choreography, notes, cadence, light and shadow, fabric, composition, paint, form, thought, feeling, language, texture and mood is irreplaceable and irreversibly a part of our DNA. We need it, we dream it, we feed it, we breathe it and we live it, and across time we remain timeless as we share it, even when we don’t particularly like the beginnings or the endings, because it simply unites us, and binds us together. Connection is made through our shared voices like prayers, even if they’re screams or sighs. We glorify our ancestors, our traditions, our contributions to the world and thus the magical power of storytelling gives each of us a voice that has the possibility to ring out into the stars.
Our voices with understanding for one another can also bring us to laughs, giggles and a sense of release, faith or assurance, because we need each other and we need to understand the choices we have made, the experiences we have had, alone and yet together. It is through and because of global stories that we then further our understanding of inexplicable ideas, by hearing honest tales that enlighten, engage and inform from our own experiences and those of others about people, places, and things.
The revelations derived from the ability to “walk in another’s shoes” is why diversity matters, as much as in how, when and who is “greenlit” by a studio, and empowered to tell heroic tales ( about themselves ) that are so far and different from our own; with that cultural difference shining a specific light on why we need to hear them. We need stories with nuance, alternate history, stories that make us mad, or ashamed, and even aware so that we can see differently.
Stories are our birth right, and they have the power to improve lives, save rainforests, bring light to dark places, impart compassion, change apartheid and even start or stops wars with the right propaganda. Stories have infinite power and we remember them, we repeat them, we embrace them and we spread them. We legislate because of stories when they cannot be shaken from the crevices of our minds.
As humans, we remain curious to know how others feel and how we potentially measure up or fall short. Our competitive nature gives us infinite ideas and the Oscars and BAFTA’s, and the list goes on. We also need to understand how different we are and yet can still be the same, so stories are often retold with remakes remaining relevant over decades. At present, we suffer from way too many of the same tales being repeated for the sake of revenue, and by the same repetitively empowered voices instead of for the lessons that they have yet to provide.
As natural voyeurs, we often want to look inside our neighbors windows, and yet are afraid of what we might see; and then there are times that we simply long to escape through stories, from our life, our choices, our mistakes, or from what we believe is impossible.
Stories also safely enable us to look in and safely partake from a distance, from entertaining dreams, sitcoms, good books, films, podcasts, documentaries and animation (of all types) and even revelatory experiences passed on by word of mouth at the foot of fires and carved in stone. Kids tell stories when they come home from school or to get out of trouble. Stories are like breath. However, we are often equally afraid of them, and so we limit their exposure in many places. The revolutionary truth of stories is necessary but not always comfortable, because it can be a mirror in. However, there can be more truth in fantasy films than we can accept in documentaries because we need that mirror to smile at us and talk about someone else safely until we can deal with the reality of ourselves. Genres make miracles of their own. This is what also makes storytelling so amazing, and I love them in all of their forms.
Sometimes these narratives can not only be dialed up by genre, but by era, style and location, sort of like ordering take out or even a gourmet meal. Legends can be told when we need something in our life that holds our hand like good soul food, or fills our souls with tears through poems because we also, now-understand-someone-else. Somehow we each know how to navigate to that authentic place of truth when we see it and need it, and in our own ways despite the packaging or the pretense that we brought to the experience. That truth isn’t always for everyone, but it exists outside of time, language, landmass, nationality or skin color. When we smell it and taste it, as a whole, an epic sage can transform into a whole new perfume that carries us with others through this journey called life, with meaning, like a great book collecting dust but holding its relevance.
Having studied many art forms, the universal lessons that I learned from so many beautiful, talented and respected individuals was about the healing and transformative power of expression in art, connection and community. Many stories have the ultimate power to heal pain, reveal divinity, reflect a beautiful, naked, or exposed and vulnerable experience, and touch that hard to replicate truth. Myths, musicals, dramas, fables and biographies can cause that truth to fluctuate, flutter, fly or dance into the stars in melodies, notes, rhythms, utterances or pictures. However, if that story is yours, regardless of form or genre, it can make you feel seen, heard, honored, valued, and validate your importance as a voice in the storm.
Stories give power like fire to human beings. Diverse stories can also reveal the answers to questions that some of us, collectively need on the other side of the world or even through time, and irrevocably connect us to the infinite march of time, space, history, love and memory.