Sustainable Filmmaking
Sustainable Filmmaking

An educational study done by Griffith University on the environmental impact made by the film industry highlighted that filmmaking has a noticeable influence on the environment, most of which is harmful.
It went further on to state that many of the movies produced cause light and noise pollution and produce copious amounts of waste, all of which traces back to environmental damage.
However, this issue has recently been addressed by many modern movie producers, giving birth to the concept of sustainable filmmaking.
Let us discuss this in greater detail, further elaborating on this idea of film production along with some of the practices many filmmakers have started adopting to the industry to promote this kind of production.
What is Sustainable Filmmaking?
Before understanding some of the environmentally friendly practices being followed during creating many films, it is first important to understand this idea.
This category of producing movies looks at the social as well as environmental problems occurring during all of the stages comprising the creative process of film development.
This includes looking at pre-production, the movie's production time, and postproduction.
Also known in the community as green filmmaking, this concept addresses each stage of the process to formulate relevant methods incorporated into the development to minimize their impact on the environment.
Real-World Examples of Sustainable Film Production
The good news is that many producers and other authoritative figures within the film industry are starting to become aware of this agenda, leading to many films taking certain measures to reduce the carbon footprint they make with the content they produce.
Here are some films that have successfully managed to go green regarding many tasks involved within production.
Downtown Abbey
During the filmmaking process of Downtown Abbey occurring within the United Kingdom, all of the members involved in the production team made great contributions to the betterment of the environment, including:
- Sending scripts and other documents electronically.
- Prohibiting any disposables while on set.
- Using reusable batteries where required.
Many recognized and praised their efforts, with the team taking home the 2019 Green Seal as recognition for their efforts.
Spider-Man 2
Praised as the most environmentally positive movie in the history of Sony to have ever hit big at the box office, not only did they help with the restoration of greenery within areas where storm Sandy hit, but they also made a donation of 50 trees to the East River Park as an initiative to improve the environment after they were done with production.
Conclusion: How Other Producers and Teams Can Do Their Part
Even though many production teams and films are now taking precautions to reduce the amount of pollution they produce, many other big names in the industry need to do their part by adopting certain measures.
Acts such as reusing production equipment and incorporating sustainability when constructing their sets can pave the way for a better tomorrow.